Рутинне життя. Робочий день королеви.

Тема: Рутинне життя. Робочий день королеви.
Мета: Активізувати лексику теми. Повторити правила використання різних часових форм (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Future Simple, Future Continuous ) при описі подій, котрі відбуваються кожного дня. Вправляти учнів у читанні. Розвивати навички письма. Продовжувати вправляти учнів у аудіюванні. Розвивати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови. Розширити кругозір учнів. Виховувати повагу до людей похилого віку, щоденних обов’язків та традицій інших країн.
Обладнання: текст для читання «The Queen's working day.», текст для аудіювання.
I. 1. Greeting. Nice to see you.
How are you today?
2. Aim. Today we are going to speak about facts and things that happen regularly аnd use different tenses to talk about the present and future.
3. Check on homework
II. 4 Warming up: Do you have every day duties?
Is it interesting?
Imagine you are the King or the Queen.
How would you spend your working day?
5. Listening: listen to the text and answer the question
”What activities are mentioned in the text?”
The Queen has many different duties to perform every day.Some are public duties, such as ceremonies, receptions and visits within the United Kingdom or abroad.Other duties are carried out away from the cameras, but they are no less important. These include reading letters from the public, official papers and briefing notes; audiences with political ministers or ambassadors; and meetings with her Private Secretaries to discuss daily business and her future diaryplans.Even when she is away from London, in residence at Balmoral or Sandringham, she receives official papers nearly every day of every year and remains fully briefed on matters affecting her realms.In front of the camera or away from it, The Queen's duties go on, and no two days in her life are ever the same.
6. Reading: “The Queen's working day”
1) pre-reading : watch the pictures. Do you recognize any people?
2) reading
A day in the life of The Queen
The Queen's working day begins like many people's - at her desk.After scanning the daily British newspapers, The Queen reviews her correspondence.Every day, 200-300 (and sometimes many more) letters from the public arrive. The Queen chooses a selection to read herself and tells members of her staff how she would like them to be answered.This enables Her Majesty personally to see a typical cross-section of her daily correspondence. Virtually every letter is answered by staff in her Private Secretary's office or by a lady-in-waiting.The Queen will then see, separately, two of her Private Secretaries with the daily quota of official papers and documents. This process takes upwards of an hour.Every day of every year, wherever she is, The Queen receives from government ministers, and from her representatives in the Commonwealth and foreign countries, information in the form of policy papers, Cabinet documents, telegrams, letters and other State papers.These are sent up to her by the Private Secretaries in the famous 'red boxes'. All of these papers have to be read and, where necessary, approved and signed.A series of official meetings or 'audiences' will often follow. The Queen will see a number of important people.These include overseas ambassadors and high commissioners, newly appointed British ambassadors, senior members of the British and Commonwealth Armed Forces on their appointment and retirement, and English bishops and judges on their appointment.Each meeting usually lasts 10 to 20 minutes, and usually The Queen and her visitor meet alone.The Queen may also meet a number of people who have won prizes or awards in a variety of fields such as literature or science, to present them individually with their prize.If there is an Investiture - a ceremony for the presentation of honours and decorations - it begins at 11.00am and lasts just over an hour. The Queen usually meets around 100 people at each Investiture to present Orders, decorations and medals.The Queen will often lunch privately. Every few months, she and The Duke of Edinburgh will invite a dozen guests from a wide variety of backgrounds to an informal lunch. Occasionally, the guest list may consist of far fewer people, such as a newly appointed or retiring Governor-General and their guest.If The Queen is spending the morning on engagements away from her desk and other commitments, she will visit up to three venues before lunch, either alone or jointly with The Duke of Edinburgh.On a regional visit, The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh lunch with a wide variety of people in places ranging from town halls to hospitals.In the afternoons, The Queen often goes out on public engagements.Such visits require meticulous planning beforehand to meet the hosts' requirements.And The Queen prepares for each visit by briefing herself on whom she will be meeting and what she will be seeing and doing.Royal engagements are carefully selected by The Queen from a large number of invitations sent to her each year, often by the Lord-Lieutenants (The Queen's representatives in counties throughout the United Kingdom).This helps to ensure the widest possible spread and to make effective use of The Queen's time.If the engagement is outside London, her journeys are often by air using a helicopter or an RAF aircraft.The Queen carries out around 430 engagements (including audiences) a year, to meet people, open events and buildings, unveil plaques and make speeches.Such engagements can include visits to schools, hospitals, factories, military units, art galleries, sheltered accommodation for elderly people, hostels for the homeless, local community schemes in inner city areas, and other British and Commonwealth organisations.The Queen regularly goes out for the whole day to a particular region or city. If the visit is a busy one, or if it lasts more than a day, then The Queen will travel overnight on the Royal Train.The Duke of Edinburgh will often accompany The Queen on such visits; when this happens, they will carry out some engagements jointly and others separately to ensure that the maximum number of people and organisations can be visited.The Queen may end the afternoon seeing a number of Government ministers in a meeting of the Privy Council.The Queen's working day does not stop at the end of the afternoon.Early evening may see a meeting with the Prime Minister. The Queen has a weekly meeting alone with the Prime Minister, when they are both in London (in addition to other meetings throughout the year).This usually takes place on Wednesdays at 6.30 pm. No written record is made of such meetings; neither The Queen nor the Prime Minister talk about what is discussed between them, as communications between The Queen and the Prime Minister always remains confidential.At about 7.30 pm a report of the day's parliamentary proceedings, written by one of the Government's Whips, arrives. The Queen always reads this the same evening.On some evenings, The Queen may attend a film première, a variety of concert performances in aid of a charitable cause, or a reception linked to organisations of which she is Patron.The Queen also regularly hosts official receptions at Buckingham Palace (usually with other members of the Royal Family), such as those for the Diplomatic Corps and The Queen's Award for Industry.Her Majesty may also hold receptions ahead of overseas visits. In 2007, prior to attending the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Uganda, The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh gave a reception at Buckingham Palace for Commonwealth Africans living and working in the United Kingdom.Other receptions mark the work of particular groups in the community, such as those recently given for members of the British design and music worlds.The Queen has numerous private interests, which can coincide with her public work, to complete her working day.Her Majesty also attends the Derby and the Summer Race Meeting at Ascot, a Royal occasion. As a keen owner and breeder of racehorses, she often sees her horses run at other meetings.
As owner of private estates at Balmoral and Sandringham, The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh oversee the management of the estates which are run on a commercial basis. She takes a close interest in all aspects of estate life, particularly in the tenant farmers and employees who live and work on the estates.Through her public and private work, The Queen is well-briefed and well-known. She has met many more people from all walks of life both in this country and overseas than her predecessors.This takes time and effort. Often, one of the last lights on in the Palace at night is The Queen finishing her 'red box' of official papers.
3) post-reading : find in the text all Royal titles.
7. Speaking: work in pairs, tell your partner:
1. Two the most usual things the Queen does every day.
2. Two the most unusual things the Queen does every day.
3. Two things you would like to do if you were the Queen.
8. Writing. Write down the Queen’s activities in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. Discuss with your partner.
Ш. 9. Homework. . Write the Queen’s daily briefing for tomorrow. Be ready to speak.
10. Summarizing. Was the lesson interesting for you?
Would you like to be the monarch now?